Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pope Benedict sells out with a Geffen record deal

Pope Benedict XVI will release his album Alma Mater on Geffen Records before Christmas 2009. The record will feature the pope singing to music performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and with the help of the Choir of the Philharmonic Academy of Rome. The majority of the tracks are the pope's recorded masses or speeches set to classical music.

The choir and the pope's voice was recorded at St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican and the orchestra was recorded at Abbey Road studios in London.

According to CBS News, "
Proceeds from the as-yet-untitled album will help fund music education for underprivileged children around the world. " This makes the the sellout less unbearable. Although I imagine children with Aids in Africa probably need medicine and info on how not to spread the disease more than they need to know how to sing.

Posted via web from jackierad's posterous