Monday, August 17, 2009

Would you forgive as quickly as Jenny Sanford? Read her quotes from Vogue...

Jenny Sanford, the wife of disgraced South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, was interviewed for the September 2009 issue of Vogue. In the interview, Mrs. Sanford said after undergoing "both pastoral and marriage counseling" she learned her husband was "obsessed" with his Argentinian mistress Maria Belen Chapur and it was "almost like an addiction to alcohol or pornography."

"All I can do is forgive. Reconciliation is something else, and that is going to be a harder road. I have put my heart and soul into being a good mother and wife. Now I think it’s up to my husband to do the soul-searching to see if he wants to stay married. The ball is in his court."

Why can't politicians wives handle their cheating husbands the old fashioned way? Like in "Waiting to Exhale"?

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