Saturday, April 4, 2009

MAHALO: Stanton Heights PA Shooting

Stanton Heights PA Shooting

Stanton Heights PA police at scene of shooting

Two police officers were shot and a third was injured in a standoff at a house in the Stanton Heights neighborhood in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The incident began at about 7:00 a.m. EST, on April 4, 2009. The gunman was barricaded in the home on the 1000 block of Fairfield Street. There were reports that as many as 80 shots had been fired.1

Reporters were asked to turn their camera's away from the house because the gunman may be watching the coverage of the incident on television.1

The SWAT team was on the scene at 9:30 a.m. EST. It is believed that law enforcement was responding to a call regarding a domestic dispute.2

At least two police officers were shot while responding to a domestic situation at a home in Stanton Heights, Pittsburgh, PA. Mahalo is following....

Posted via web from jackierad's posterous

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